Monday, August 15, 2011

Making a Sale: It’s All in the Attitude

A lot of making a sale in business – no matter what the product or service – is not what is said, but it is based on how it is delivered and how the person responds to this delivery. That delivery can be friendly, confident, and helpful, but it might also be cold, cocky, and directorial. It’s all about the attitude and, for the small business owner, knowing what attitude to use with what type of customer will help ramp up the number of sales closes made. 

Successful Business Owners are Happy Ones
Let’s face it. No one wants to buy anything from a depressed or apathetic salesperson. Why would anyone think that what a negative person was offering would do them any good like solve a problem or make their life easier? If a prospective customer sees a happy, energized, and positive salesperson, they will more likely equate that to the product or service the salesperson is backing.

That means believing in what you are selling and what your company is doing. It also involves treating others like how you would like to be treated if the roles were reversed. That means applying the same attitude as you would expect if someone was trying to make a sale with you. How do you like to be treated? How do you react to a smiling face as compared to a glum one?

Passionate and Enthusiasm Sparks Sales
It’s one thing to believe in your product or service, but it’s a whole different ballgame when you are trying to get others to feel the same way. However, you may have had those experiences where you are describing a trip or a new-found hobby to a friend or colleague, and your passion and enthusiasm absolutely spills over to the point where the other person is taking notes and asking for more information. Your attitude has them excited and engaged. Apply this to what you are selling and you will get results.

Taking it a step farther, maybe you can turn this hobby into a sideline business or include it in your existing business. With so much enthusiasm and passion for it, maybe it is what you should be selling instead.

Knowledge and Value Closes the Deal
Beyond the emotional aspect of attitude, there is the intellectual side in which you can make great strides in closing the deal through your attitude of knowledge and value. That means you are projecting the right type of information to the prospective buyer that tells them you know what you are talking about and you know how this product or service will help them personally rather than just trying to sell them something. Remember, the used car salesman persona? Nobody responds to that attitude positively!

That doesn’t mean listing off product features; it means specifying what the product or service will do for that particular buyer. Your attitude says you did your research and you care all in one delivery. That’s a deal that is hard to refuse.

What’s Your Attitude?
Think about these attitude attributes. Where do you fall? How has your attitude or change of attitude led to a sale? Do you need help with how to adjust or adapt your attitude to suit your business and your target audience? Perhaps, it’s time to work with TAB!

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