Monday, July 18, 2011

The Benefits of One-on-One Coaching Sessions

Small business owners often feel unsure of which direction to take or even what they are doing currently will help them achieve their goals and objectives. Some may not even know for sure what types of goals and objectives they want to focus on or where they actually want to take their business.

When you become a member of TAB, you can access a greater, more personalized level of understanding about your business and how to chart a course toward success. This blog post provides some information on what is covered in these sessions and how they have helped many of TAB members. 

A Typical One-on-One Coaching Session
The coaching sessions have a specific framework that directs each meeting with a business owner in order to ensure that certain topics are covered and enough time is allotted to the most important issues a business owner faces. Here is a description of a typical session:
  • Discuss follow-up on a course of action that was suggested at the previous TAB Board Meeting;
  • Prepare an issue for presentation to the board;
  • Track progress on the business planning process;
  • Complete mini-consulting projects that might include the following issues:
    • Interviewing prospective employees.
    • Assisting with marketing and strategic planning tactics, such as ads, brochures, business cards, and formal marketing plans.
    • Holding lunch meetings with the member's employees to get feedback on employee opinions and expectations.
  • Applying proprietary business diagnostic tools, including TAB Business Vantage® and Strategic Business Leadership®, to hone in on unique business issues and help provide a course of action that can resolve those issues.

The Advantages of Private Coaching Sessions
Members have TAB have praised the one-on-one experience for numerous benefits they have garnered from participating in these private sessions. Here are some highlights from current TAB members:
  • Serving as a facilitator, the coach does not tell business owners what to do or provide the solutions but, instead, offers the tools and pathway so that business owners can learn themselves and gain true insight into their businesses and themselves.
  • Business owners receive resource materials that help them understand the business issues that impact their companies so that they can make more informed decisions about their strategic direction.
  • The session creates a dialogue between the business owner and the coach in which to discuss business issues on a more pointed, personal basis than would be covered in group sessions.
  • The coach’s focus on asking questions helps business owners reflect on topics, strengths and weaknesses, and business concerns that they would most likely not have done on their own accord.
  • Business owners report feeling recharged after they have been given a new way of examining the present challenges and future opportunities they have in front of them. This includes receiving a custom SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis that helps business owners learn even more about themselves and their business.

Tell Us about Your Experiences
How have you personally benefited from the one-on-one coaching experience? Share your thoughts here so that other readers can understand the value proposition TAB’s service offers them as small business owners.

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